Case Study: Epic Television – The History Channel: Expedition Stanley and Livingstone

Immediate Assistants provides epic medical services to epic TV production.
Client: The History Channel
Project: Expedition Stanley and Livingstone
Years: 2008
Productions: 1
Commitment: 2 months
Location: Tanzania
Facilities: Paramedic Response Teams, 4WD Ambulances, Aquatic Ambulance, Medevac Helicopter, International Aeromedical Evacuation (AME)
Staffing: 2 Doctors, 2 Rescue Paramedics, 1 EMT
100 miles across Africa, this epic production traces the journey of Henry Morton Stanley to find the inimitable Dr. David Livingstone.
4 modern day Explorers recreate the journey that claimed over 1,000 lives nearly 150 years ago.
This time, though, Immediate Assistants was with them.